Mommy Needs A Mai Tai

Hawaii travel blogger, Florabeth Coble fixing her son's shorts, barefoot in Iao Valley, Maui, Hawaii.


Hi there, I’m Flo: Hawaii travel blogger and itinerary planning extraordinaire.

My husband, Chris, and I were married on Kauai under a coconut tree. Our plan was to spend six months in paradise before having kids. By the end of our stint, Hawaii had opened our hearts and calmed our nervous systems so much that we couldn’t imagine another way of life. We wanted our children to grow up this way.

Our first son, Wilder, was born on Maui in 2017. Bo came next in 2021. Our days are filled with work, adventure, far too many dirty diapers, and a special kind of insanity that only a parent can understand.

We wake up to the sound of roosters and find sand in everything we own. Groceries are expensive. Most of our family is far away. We make sacrifices to live on an island in the middle of the sea. But, for us, it is worth every one of them.

Hawaii isn’t just about beaches; Aloha is a way of life. One that continues to embrace, teach, and change us for the better.

We humbly show you how to navigate these islands with children and, hopefully, without losing your mind. I remove all the guesswork and help you plan the family trip of a lifetime.

Flo Coble holding her young son in a tree swing in Maui, Hawaii.


Hawaii has a long, complicated relationship with tourism. While this is simply a week-long vacation for many, it’s important for all of us to remember that we are visiting someone’s home.

My perspective is that of a non-Native who, nonetheless, very much loves this land. My intention is to honor and respect the people of Hawaii, from whom I continue to learn so much, to the best of my ability.

Our family strives to highlight Hawaii’s beautiful nooks and crannies without exploiting sacred areas that locals continue to hold near and dear to their hearts.

Hawaii’s residents are among the friendliest on the planet. Many are happy to say hello and welcome you, especially if you do your best to slow down a bit. Hawaii has become heavily reliant on tourism over the years, and most locals understand that your stay is helping our economy.

I love helping your family plan an epic vacation. And I sincerely hope our guides give you peace of mind in knowing that you are respecting the ‘aina (land) and the people who desperately want to keep a piece of it untouched. I can’t promise to find the balance every time, but I always promise to try.

Flo Coble holding a baby above the ocean as the sun peaks out behind her head.
Brothers Wagon Hawaii


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